動かし方は 「スクリプトエディタ」に下記のコードを打ち込んで 「/Users/ユーザ名/Library/iTunes/Scripts/」に保存すると iTunesのメニューから実行できます。
tell application "iTunes"
set trackAlbum to album of current track
set trackArtist to artist of current track
set searchURL1 to "http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=" & trackArtist & "+" & trackAlbum & "&x=0&y=0" as string
set searchURL2 to "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=" & trackArtist & "+" & trackAlbum & "&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X" as string
end tell
tell application "System Events" to open location searchURL1
tell application "System Events" to open location searchURL2
tell application "iTunes"
set i_track to current track
set i_name to the name of current track
set i_artist to artist of current track
set i_album to album of current track
set i_genre to genre of current track
set i_rating to rating of current track
set i_lyrics to lyrics of current track
set i_path to location of current track --HFSパス
set playing_track to the current track -- 演奏中のトラックを取得
set file_location to (the location of playing_track) -- 演奏中の曲のファイル名を取得
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
set playing_track to the current track -- 演奏中のトラックを取得
set file_location to (the location of playing_track) -- 演奏中の曲のファイル名を取得
end tell
tell application id "com.apple.finder"
open file_location using (path to application "Amazing Slow Downer")
end tell
スクリプトエディタ->ウィンドウ->ライブラリ->iTunes を見る
tell application "iTunes"
previous track -- 前のトラックへ
back track -- トラックの先頭・前のトラックへ
next track -- 次のトラックへ
fast forward -- 早送り
rewind -- 巻き戻し
resume -- 早送り・巻き戻しの停止
pause -- 一時停止
play -- 再生
playpause -- 再生/一時停止
stop -- 停止・トラックの先頭へ
add (alias) -- ファイルを追加
convert (file|track) -- ファイル形式をコンバート, 返値 track
search (playlist) for (text) [only albums/all/artists/composers/displayed/songs]
-- 検索, 返値 tracks
end tell